KidzCity's Services Include:
After School, Enrichment Classes, Camp, Parent Night Out, Drop Off Play,
Pick Up from School: Homework Help:
FUN ACTIVITIES at KidzCity - Arts & Crafts: Movies: Indoor & Outdoor Activities: Toys: Lego: Gardening: Wii: Karaoke: Holiday Crafts: Just Dance: Cooking: Board Games: Science Experiments: Sewing: Board Games & More

Daily Camp Schedule
Camp Hours are from 9am to 5pm
Extended hours from 7:30am to 7:00pm are available
09:00am - 10:00am - Free Play
10:00am - 10:15am - Snack
10:15am - 12:00nn - Group Activities Arts & Crafts, Science projects, Computers, X box (electronics), Board games, Gardening, Cooking
12:00nn - 01:00pm - Lunch
01:00pm - 02:00pm - Movie Free Play
02:00pm - 05:00pm - Camp Social - brings all campers together Water Play, Dance & games
Trip Day
08:00am - 09:00am -Free Play
10:00am - 10:30am - Attendance getting ready to leave for field trip
10:30am - 11:00am - Arrive and check in for trip
12:00nn - lunch on trip
04:00pm - 05:00pm - Arrive at KidzCity Free Play
Field Trips in June
Field trips will be posted nearer each Camp.
We do not always have Field trips during all our Camps.
Field trips are optional.

Camp Programs
KidzCity's Camps provide supervised indoor and outdoor activities Arts & Crafts, Fitness Play, Games, Computers and more.
KidzCity Camps are always adding new activities to the needs and desires of our campers and families.
KidzCity Camps are structured without pressure allowing your child(ren) to have fun and enjoy at their own pace.
KidzCity Camps are the first in the San Fernando Valley to offer you the flexibility of how and when you want camp!
KidzCity Offers:
*Hourly *Daily *Weekly or *Monthly Rates.
Fun Activities
Age appropriate activity areas.
Campers rotate from activities and games
*Board Games *Computers *Minecraft *Animal Jam *Karaoke *Basketball *Just Dance *Wii Sport *Dress Up *Lego *Creative Play *Gardening *Swimming & more
Outdoor fun with our field trips.
Each child is grouped by age and accompanied by KidzCity's staff and counselors.
(1 counselor to 5 children)
KidzCityis conveniently located off the 101 FWY & 22325 Dolorosa St, Woodland Hills, CA 91367
For more info, please call: (818) 887 7516